If you are afraid of dying, wonder about Heaven, or can't visualize your loved one with Jesus, then this is the book for you to read.
Bobby Brunson was struck by lightning and died for 28 recorded minutes, only to return with a stunning, life-altering glimpse of the hereafter.
Here, he recounts his journey to our Heavenly home and lends his perspective on death.
Bobby shares his story with people in churches, hospitals, civic meetings, and any occasion that may present itself. Thousands have seen the expression of joy on his face when he talks about Jesus. His love in sharing his trip to Heaven with others is contagious, and his trust in God in the realities of everyday living is real.
This is a message of hope for the terminally ill, a message of peace for those whose loved ones have passed on, and a book filled with his anticipation of seeing our Lord again. Bobby's message is simple: God loves us all the same, don't sweat the small stuff, and live life in a way to make Heaven your ultimate home.
The story of Bobby walking on golden streets, talking with his deceased father, and holding the hand of Jesus make it a must read for those looking for assurance and a way to deal with death and dying.
My thoughts...
This book is one you won't want to put down, reading the story of Bobby Brunson being struck by lightning, prounced dead, and coming back to life is fascinating. What's even more fascinating is what was happening while he was dead. Bobby went to Heaven. This is where I experienced disappointment. I wanted a physical description of Heaven that would blow my mind. Bobby didn't give one... he says there are no words to describe it. (Guess I'll just have to wait and see for myself!).
What he does tell us is of the peace he felt, the incredible unconditional love which is so hard for humans to grasp. He talks about the people he met, seeing his father who had died two months earlier, and meeting Jesus face to face! This is enough to send goosebumps all over you!
Bobby came back from Heaven with an urgent message... Jesus is coming soon! I don't want to give away too much, you'll have to read the book to find out what happens next.
Kay tells her story as well, the shocking news that her husband was dead which she immediately refused to accept. She is a remarkable woman of faith who stood strong, reminding God of his promises by quoting scripture daily. The many prayers she prayed, not giving in to doubt or giving up, what it was like when Bobby went through a horrible time of depression.
While she talks of everything they went through she never wrote in a way that would make you pity her. You will see what a courageous woman she is.
I give it 5 stars.
I received a copy of this book free from the authors in exchange for an honest review.