Friday, June 24, 2011

I Want To Know My Future

What do you do when your family, friends and church turn against you? What happens when everything you were taught by your church and family about God is suddenly turned upside down and has to change in order for you to survive?

This is a true life story! Every chapter keeps you on the edge of your seat wondering what will happen next!

“I want to know my Future?” Elizabeth pleaded as she was thrown in jail, denied justice and deprived of her children by an unjust Judge. She was attacked by members of her own church. Her life became a living hell and her only hope of reprieve came from the supernatural intervention of the Almighty God.

“My Ways are not human ways. Trust in Me, God has Spoken!” Elizabeth studied the words that were at the end of every written message. She read her Bible and sought scriptures to understand what it all meant. She prayed and within the chaos of her life she found an unbreakable faith in God. She held the hand of God and He took her life and preformed miracles. He gave her supernatural strength, confidence and a determination to stand up to everyone who rose up to fight against her.

My thoughts...

Elizabeth is a mother of three who is in a custody battle, she has taken her children away and refuses to turn them over to her abusive ex-husband who won custody due to rumors of Elizabeth being gay, her ex is well respected in the local church.

She meets Tori who has also been through a divorce and has custody of her son. The two form a close friendship, their experiences and battles bringing them closer together until they fall in love.

The struggles these two women endured is terrible, the judge influenced by the many letters from Elizabeth's former church members all in favor of her ex getting custody and throw in the fact that it is an election year. Need I say more?

These women believe God made them gay and that He encourages their love for each other because He is God and God is love. The scriptures used in the book have been explained in a way as to condone homosexuality.

The story is well written, your heart breaks at their suffering but the author seems to be trying to convince herself that homosexuality is ok.

I rate it three stars.

I received a free copy of this book from Bostick Communications in exchange for an honest review.

Paperback: 286 pages
Publisher: Outskirts Press (May 18, 2011)
ISBN-10: 1432773526
ISBN-13: 978-1432773526

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