Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Alison wanted her cheating husband gone, not dead...
When 30-something housewife, Alison Monaghan discovers proof of her husband's infidelity in a photograph with a mysterious woman, she must decide how to confront Frank when he returns home from work. Despite the influence of her best friend Valerie, a strong Christian, Alison remains aloof from God and is determined to handle this crisis her own way. But Alison may not get that chance.
Frank never makes it home. Soon his body is found on a lonely back-country road in antebellum Weathersby Historic Park where Frank served on the board of directors and where Alison, with a degree in landscape design, was a volunteer garden docent. Homicide detective Mike Barefoot, a Cherokee native from the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, immediately puts Alison at the top of his suspect list. He finds himself drawn to her--and not just because she had motive for the crime. As an army veteran, Mike usually keeps his emotional walls high. And as a detective, he knows not to get involved with murder suspects. So why he is so attracted to Alison? Can he fight his feelings for her—and the stirrings in his heart toward God?
My thoughts...
I've got mixed feelings about this book. We're introduced to an array of characters which makes it a bit difficult to keep all of them straight. The main characters were certainly not perfect and the detective falling in love with the newly widowed Allison wasn't a surprise and he's a bit of an oddball.
It was an interesting murder mystery but there is no suspense, several times I felt parts were unbelievable and downright preposterous. I did like the twist at the end and the things Allison discovered about her dead husband, he wasn't the man she thought he was.
I received a copy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
To read an excerpt click here!
About the Author...
Lisa Carter was always the child who made up epic tales involving prairie schooners or interplanetary voyages for the neighborhood kids to re-enact during summer vacation. Now as a speaker, vocalist, teacher and writer, Lisa shares her own journey of faith regarding God's sufficiency for every need.
As a Southern romantic suspense writer--Sweet Tea with a Slice of Murder--she has definite opinions on serious issues like barbeque, ACC basketball and the whole Pepsi vs. Coke controversy. Carolina Reckoning, her debut novel, released August 2013.
She and her husband have two daughters and make their home in North Carolina. When she isn't writing, Lisa enjoys traveling to romantic locales such as the Big Island, Hawaii--the setting for her next novel, Aloha Rose, releasing November 2013. She also enjoys quilting and researching her next exotic adventure.
CUT TO THE BONE by Jefferson Bass
Jefferson Bass’s Cut to the Bone, the long-awaited prequel to his New York Times bestselling mystery series, turns the clock back to reveal the Body Farm's creation—and Dr. Bill Brockton's deadly duel with a serial killer.
In the summer of 1992, Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton and Tennessee Senator Albert Gore begin their long-shot campaign to win the White House. In the sweltering hills of Knoxville at the University of Tennessee, Dr. Bill Brockton, the bright, ambitious young head of the Anthropology Department, launches an unusual—some would call it macabre—research facility, unlike any other in existence.
Brockton is determined to revolutionize the study of forensics to help law enforcement better solve crime. But his plans are derailed by a chilling murder that leaves the scientist reeling from a sense of déjà vu. Followed by another. And then another: bodies that bear eerie resemblances to cases from Brockton’s past.
But as the body count rises, the victims’ fatal injuries grow more and more distinctive—a spiral of death that holds dark implications for Brockton...and everyone he holds dear.
My thoughts...
This is a suspenseful murder mystery from the angle of forensic science which is very interesting. The author pulls you right into the middle of the scene with visual descriptions and dialogue. I liked the setting and the characters. Well paced and heart pounding, a great read!
I received an copy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Monday, October 28, 2013
A Word From The Author:
I hold a BA and MA degree in English, and I am proud to be represented by Mary Sue Seymour, AAR. I have published over one hundred articles in Christian family magazines, and have received over two dozen awards from Romance Writers of America chapter groups. I am honored to be a member of Romance Writers of America, American Christian Fiction Writers, and Faith Hope and Love.
I live and teach in the Texas hill country with my husband, cats, and a rather large herd of deer. Our four children have flown the nest; however, we are fortunate that they all live close enough to visit.
I have always felt that my faith was at the very center of who and what I am, and I am thrilled beyond words to be able to now write about something that is so near to my heart. At various times I have served as a pianist, teacher, church secretary, and worship team member. While living in the Dallas area, I served as an adjunct professor of English Literature at Dallas Baptist University. When we moved to a small town in Central Texas, I continued teaching for a few years, but I now write full-time and I play the keyboard in our church’s praise band.
My grandfather was born in Albion, Pennsylvania, and I am currently researching whether I might have Amish roots.
Annie's life is deliciously full as the Christmas season approaches. She helps her husband, Samuel, attend to the community's minor medical needs. She occasionally assists Belinda, the local midwife, and most days, she finds herself delivering the buggy to her brother Adam. Annie’s sister-in-law Leah is due to deliver their first child before Christmas morning, and Annie is determined to finish a crib quilt before the boppli arrives. With six weeks to go, she should have no problem . . . but God may have a different plan. Leah is rushed to the English hospital when the infant arrives early, and Annie discovers the Christmas quilt may hold a far greater significance than she ever imagined.
If you would like to read the first chapter of The Christmas Quilt, go HERE.
My thoughts...
A sweet story of two pregnant women making a quilt for a crib. With each square a story is told, each one touches your heart and may bring a tear to your eye. This is a gentle, heartwarming, truly enjoyable Amish Christmas tale.
I received a copy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
BLACK DOG by Stephen Booth
As helicopters search Northern England's Peak District for fifteen year-old Laura Vernon, Detective Constable Ben Cooper quietly dreads the worst. And when her body is found in the woods, Cooper's investigation begins with a short list of markedly uncooperative suspects: retired miner Harry Dickinson, whose black Labrador discovered Laura's body, and Laura's wealthy parents.
Uneasily teamed with ambitious newcomer Detective Constible Diane Fry, Cooper tests a town's family ties, friendships, and loyaties -- and finds that in order to understand the present, they must unearth the past.
This book is a Witness Impulse title from Harper Collins Publishers, now available for $2.99.
My thoughts...
A bit predictable and too drawn out made this book a little boring to me. It wasn't hard to figure out who the murderer was but for me the main characters were what really ruined it, totally disliked them.
I received an copy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Friday, October 25, 2013
THE GOOD SISTER by Wendy Corsi Straub
Jen’s daughter Carly turns to internet message boards for help with bullying, finding a kindred spirit in “Angel”. But as she shares more and more, is she truly confiding in a friend...or risking her life at the hands of a dangerous madman?
My thoughts...
I'm sitting here trying to decide where to start and one thing keeps coming to mind... there are some truly evil people in the world. One of the characters in the book qualifies. A really creepy, frightening, book with an ending that is guaranteed to surprise! Tt will probably make you jumpy... and make you aware of every strange sound in the house at night. It's social networking at its worst. You never know who can be trusted.
I received an ecopy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
HUNTED by Emlyn Rees
When Danny Shanklin woke up in a strange hotel, he never expected the day would be spent running for his life. But the high-powered rifle strapped to his hands and the unknown dead man on the floor say otherwise. It’s only when the sirens start wailing outside that Danny realizes his life has changed forever.
My thoughts...
Following alongside Danny as he tries to avoid being captured by terrorists is a wild ride. He has over 40,000 cops and intelligence agencies after him, there's cameras everywhere with their eyes out for him. He is intent on avenging his wife and son's murder. This action packed suspenseful novel keeps you on the edge of your seat. I love the fast pace, the plot, and the glimpses into Danny's past.
This book is part of the Witness Impulse publication, originally published in 2011, now available of kindle for $2.99.
I received an ecopy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
FIFTEEN MINUTES by Karen Kingsbury
Zack Dylan made a promise to God and his college sweetheart as he left his family’s horse farm in Kentucky to compete on the popular reality television show Fifteen Minutes: If he makes it, the fame won’t change him.
Overnight, Zack is the nation’s most popular contestant, a country singer with the looks and voice of a young Elvis. As his star rises, Zack is asked to compromise and quiet his beliefs, and also something more. Something Zack could never have imagined. Just as America is falling in love with Zack, just as he’s on the verge of winning it all, his choices lead him to the brink of personal disaster.
At the same time, Reese Weatherly, a therapeutic horse instructor, is no longer sure about her relationship with Zack, or the wedding they had dreamed about. While Zack advances from one round of the competition to the next, an offer comes to Reese—one that will take her to a home halfway around the world.
Then Chandra Olson—reigning diva pop star and one of the Fifteen Minutes judges—intervenes. Chandra has suffered so much public pain and private agony since her days as a Fifteen Minutes contestant. Now she wants just one thing: meaning. Can Chandra’s private losses help Zack find his way, or will his fifteen minutes of fame cause him to lose the life he once loved? Fifteen Minutes is a story of character, compromise, and the cost of having it all. A story that raises the question: Who are the real winners?
My thoughts...
While this was not one of Karen's best novels it was still an inspiring book. Living the Christian life isn't always easy, sometimes the decisions one makes are comprising and though it isn't right it happens... Christians aren't perfect. Zach is a good example.
Kingsbury is a great writer, her books are always inspiring though usually more emotional than this one. Sometimes our fifteen minutes of fame just isn't worth it.
I received a copy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Rene is the author of seventeen novels. She also has extensive experience writing comedy sketches, and worked for five years as the director of drama for a church. She has a degree specializing in Screenwriting, for which she earned the Excellence in Mass Communication Award, and graduated magna cum laude.
She is married to Sean, a musician and worship leader, and has two children. They reside in Oklahoma, where Rene writes full time and enjoys instructing in college classrooms and writers conferences.
Hope Landon has been rewriting other people's greeting cards since she was six years old -- there's always a funnier caption. She's all set to chase those creative dreams with her musician fiance in New York City until he leaves Hope at the altar, deciding he must not really love this girl if he can't write a song for her. That may give her something to write about . . .
Hope disappears alone on what was supposed to be the couple's month long honeymoon. Upon returning she learns of her funeral -- everyone in her life concluded Hope must have killed herself after being jilted. Needing a fresh start more than ever, she heads for the Big Apple only to discover it's not that easy to rent a place when you've been declared dead.
Taking shelter at the YWCA, Hope soon lands a job at a Christian inspirational greeting card company as an assistant to Jake, a guy who shut down his organization's humor department. She has lost her faith in love; he needs to find something or someone that will make him laugh.
Is there anything in the cards for these two? Find out in the truly original Greetings from the Flipside by authors Rene Gutteridge (Boo) and Cheryl McKay (screenplay for The Ultimate Gift).
If you would like to read the first chapter of >Greetings from the Flipside, go HERE.
My thoughts...
Hope is injured after being left at the altar and slips into a coma. Her visitors are warned that coma patients may be able to hear what's being said.
Hope's mother is one bizarre lady, definitely not motherish. Her visits are not enouraging, in fact they're quite the opposite. Jake is another of her visitors who has had a crush on Hope since elementary school. He pours out his heart during his visits.
What I loved about this is how the focus shifts to her life on the flipside, what an original storyline that makes for such a fun read!
I received a copy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
WHERE HOPE STARTS by Angela D. Meyer

You never know when I might play a wild card on you!
Today's Wild Card author is:
and the book:
CrossRiver Media Group (August 9, 2013)
***Special thanks to Angela Meyer for sending me a review copy.***
Angela D. Meyer lives in Omaha, NE with her husband of 22 years. They have two children whom they homeschool – recently graduating their son. She has taught childrens' Bible classes for over 35 years. She loves God, her family, the ocean, good stories, connecting with friends, taking pictures, quiet evenings and a good laugh. Someday she wants to ride in a hot air balloon and vacation by the sea. Where Hope Starts is Angela’s debut novel.
Visit the author's website.

Eight years after saying I do, Barry raises his hand against Karen and she discovers his addiction to pornography bringing their marriage to the edge of destruction.
Karen returns to her childhood home near Kansas City, MO to think through her options, but discovers her first love ready to pick up where they left off so many years ago.
Still in New York City, Barry attempts to fix the mess he has made of his life and his marriage. His choices take him on a downward spiral that leads to brokenness and the possible loss of his freedom.
Will they find their way back to each other or will they walk away from the future God has for them?
List Price: $17.99
Paperback: 292 pages
Publisher: CrossRiver Media Group (August 9, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1936501155
ISBN-13: 978-1936501151
My thoughts...
An inspiring book that brings hope into the lives of those struggling in a bad marriage. I can't imagine going through what Karen did with her unfaithful husband. Other characters in the book struggle with addiction, abuse, porn. Forgiveness is a hard thing but with God's help it can bring hope and healing.
The author did a great job in addressing all the issues facing many people today including bitterness which can root deeply. This novel is written well and plants a seed of hope in its readers.
I received a copy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Come home.
Karen Marino choked back a cry as she stared at the words scribbled on the front of the envelope. She slid her fingernail under the flap and gaped at the plane ticket nestled inside a letter. Why now? She gritted her teeth. Heat flushed from her neck to the top of her head as she remembered the look of disgust on her father’s face.
The clash of pans in the restaurant kitchen startled her back to the present. “What the...?”
She glanced at her watch. Almost eleven. She slid the ticket and letter back inside the envelope and tucked it into her purse. She took a deep breath before stepping out of her office.
“Steve, how does the schedule look?” Karen hired him straight out of culinary school. His lack of experience paled next to his talent, and within a year his specialties had drawn in customers from all over New York City’s five boroughs, earning the restaurant a five-star reputation.
“Perfect, my love.” He crossed his arms and smiled. “Now, when are you going to marry me?”
She laughed. “Your mother would be disappointed. I have more red hair than Irish blood.” She enjoyed the attention her hair brought in The City, where she no longer stood out like an apple on an orange tree.
“My ma would love you anyway.” Steve placed his hand over his heart.
She shook her head and waved him back to work, then strode through the kitchen inspecting the line cooks as they prepped for the noon rush. “Be sure and clean up as you go....No, not that dish. Use the glass one. And keep a towel nearby.…How long have you worked here?…Don’t wipe your hands on your apron.”
She stopped. “Jimmy,” she yelled above the din of the kitchen. Her voice carried to the break room where the young man sauntered out with a donut in one hand and a coffee cup in the other.
She glared at him. “What’s with all these dirty pots and pans?”
The guy shrugged. “Had somewhere to be last night, so I saved them.”
“Get rid of that donut now and finish your job in the next half hour, or you’re fired, no matter who your cousin is.”
He threw the donut and coffee in the trash can and plodded off to his station.
“You okay?” Her assistant manager, Cathy, raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to snap.” Karen took a deep breath. “Is the dining room ready?”
“No problems there. But…” Cathy glanced over her shoulder. “Barry’s at the bar.”
“Not with the new owner coming in.” Karen clenched her fists. If she talked to her husband now she would lose her cool. “Did you tell him I was busy?”
“Yes. But, he’s got that look.”
Karen rolled her eyes. That meant another of Barry’s money-making ideas. Ideas didn’t pay the rent. “I better go talk to him.”
Barry grinned as she approached and she paused at the sight of his dark wavy hair and strong jaw line. If life were a photo, he would take her breath away. But once you added sound and action, that fantasy vanished.
She bit her lip. A part of her longed for what they used to have. How does a man change so much? He used to lead people. Now he controlled them, like the other night. Karen shuddered, then closed the gap between them. “We’re about to open. You need to go. We can talk tonight.”
“Like all those other times? Please.” He leaned against the bar.
“I said, we’ll talk.”
Barry slid off the bar stool. Although he stood only a few inches taller than her five foot seven frame and didn’t work out enough to have an impressive build, he carried himself with a bravado that demanded attention. “We’ll talk now. You’ll like this idea. It’s a chance to get in on the ground floor of a start-up company.”
Karen caught a whiff of liquor on his breath. “A little early to be drinking, don’t you think?”
“Don’t change the subject.” He banged his fist on the bar.
She jumped. His eyes grew dark. She backed away, her eyes frozen on his hands. “You need to leave. Now.”
“Why?” Barry’s voice grew louder.
“So I won’t lose my job.” The new owner was a powerful man. Barry could blow it for her.
“Miss Indispensable? Lose her job?” His empty laugh bounced around the deserted room.
“Please.” Karen reigned in her hostility.
“I will do as I please.” He took a step toward her.
“If you hope to get your hands on my money, try honey not vinegar.” She crossed her arms and stared at him.
“What are you talking about?”
“This approach will not get you what you want.”
He looked behind her and backed away. “Yeah, maybe we should talk tonight.”
Karen wrinkled her brow. What’s got into him now? She turned. The new owner walked toward her. He reminded her of Danny Devito. Short, stout, and balding. Add a bit of swagger to his walk and you would have her new boss. She groaned. Glancing Barry’s direction she saw him leave through the kitchen. I hope he didn’t just cost me my job.
She turned to face the man. She mustered a smile and extended her hand. “Karen Marino. You must be Mr. Simon.”
The man stared at her. “You’re fired.” He smiled like a kid who just lifted a trinket from the store and got away with it.
“You can’t do that.” Her throat closed up. Breathe.
“I own this place, I can and will clean house as I see fit.”
His reputation was well earned. She forced herself to unclench her hands. “I built this restaurant into what it is today.”
“There’s no place in any of my restaurants for what I just witnessed. Home stays at home.”
“You’d get rid of me for one incident?”
“It’s not just one incident.”
She bit her tongue and glared at the man. Who talked?
“Leave now. Come back and clear out your desk after lunch.”
“Fine, I don’t need you or your restaurant. I have my reputation.” She regretted the words as soon as she said them.
“When I’m done, you won’t have a reputation.”
She turned and fled to her office. A man that powerful didn’t make idle threats. She grabbed her purse, squared her shoulders, and marched through the kitchen. She would not be shamed out of here. She did nothing wrong.
Her assistant manager barked orders at the staff. The new owner smiled while he watched. So Cathy betrayed me. An old pain grabbed at Karen’s heart. Why do people turn on me?
Letting the door slam on her way out, she rushed into the flow of human traffic. The wall of buildings hid the breadth of the sky and pressed in around her. Exhaust fumes mingled with the aroma of pizza from a nearby kiosk. She jumped when a taxi blared its horn. Two people shoved each other to get in, arguing over appointments. She picked up her pace, needing to escape the surroundings that for the last fifteen years had made her feel so alive. An image of the family orchard in Missouri filled her heart.
Her past caught up to her present and the old emotions, released from their prison, pinballed around inside her. She ducked into a nearby alley and leaned against the wall. Pressing her hands against the wall, she took several calming breaths against the tears welling up in her chest. She needed to think, not cry.
She pressed her fingertips against her eyes. I don’t want to go back to the apartment yet, and I don’t have an office anymore. Where can I go? She fought the desire to throw things and stomp her feet. She would not lose control.
Something brushed against her elbow and she jerked away. A pungent odor assaulted her nose as a man in a tattered jacket stepped closer.
“Some money for food?” He reached out his hands.
She pushed the man away and tucked her purse close to her body as she stumbled out of the alley and hurried away. Her thoughts latched onto her husband and the impossibility of the situation. Lost in a daze she walked several blocks before her stomach growled, reminding her of the time. She paused and looked around. Carnegie Deli looked like a good choice. Crossing the street, she stood in line for her turn, anxious for the line to move, yet longing for a slower pace.
Pressure built up in her right eye and tension grew between her shoulders. She dug through her purse for some pain reliever and popped two in her mouth.
She looked up at the man behind the counter. “Uh, I’m not sure, what—”
“I’ll take a Woody Allen and a coffee.” A construction worker shouldered his way past Karen, slapping some bills on the counter.
Karen glared at him, then raised her voice above the next person trying to steal her place in line. “Give me a Woody Allen, too.”
Within minutes her order sat next to the construction worker’s sandwich. She grabbed her plate and cup of coffee, and turned to find a seat in the crowded dining room. From across the room, she saw two women get up from their table. She rushed to grab one of the empty chair.
She settled in to her seat and thought of the first time she came here. She was on a blind date, and he wanted to share his favorite place to eat. Crowded elbow to elbow with strangers at the shared table, it was not exactly romantic, but the food was delicious and plentiful. Her sandwich was piled so high with meat she ate for several days off of the leftovers.
Now, the deli gave her the anonymity she needed.
Cradling the coffee mug in her hands, she allowed the heat to calm her nerves. The day had not gone the way she planned. Lately, not much had. She rubbed her temples then scooted her plate forward to make room for her note pad. Avoiding the glares of her table mates, she pulled out a pen and began to list her options.
Find a job. In this economy? Right.
Barry find a job. She laughed.
Dip into her savings. She ripped the paper off the pad and wadded it up. Not again. That money was for the future.
Her head pounded as she fought back the tears. Barry’s scheme might be all they had. Maybe not.
She reached into her pocket and pulled out the letter. Karen remembered how special it felt to be a daughter of Charles and Annibel Hannigan. They were well respected in the community and at church, and then everything changed.
What’s so important that they want me to come home now? She laid the ticket aside and unfolded the letter.
Dear Karen,
Please come home. Your mother is dying and she needs to see you. She needs to know you understand. You need to hear what she has to say.
We are both sorry for the past and ask your forgiveness. I’ve enclosed a plane ticket. Change the date to what works best.
Love, Dad
Her hands trembled as she held the letter. Mom’s dying?
She laid the letter down and leaned her head onto her hands. She lost their favor with no explanation, and now they offered it to her again on a silver platter. It felt fake. What had she done to lose their favor in the first place? She wiped at tears she couldn’t stop. Did they think an apology could make up for everything?
“Hey lady, if you’re done, why don’t you move on. There’s folks waiting for a seat.”
Looking the bus boy directly in the eye, she reached for her sandwich and took a bite. He waved at her in dismissal and went back to work.
She glanced out the window as a mother bent down to look her child in the eye. She pointed at a large bulldozer across the street. The little boy smiled, looked back at her and nodded. They hugged. She grabbed his hand and continued walking.
She and her mother used to have a relationship like that. Carrying on like they were the only two people in the world. She looked away. Maybe going home wasn’t a viable option either.
She bit her lip. Am I supposed to just forgive them? How could they ask that of her? She hit the table with her fist and the coffee mug jumped, spilling onto the letter.
“Hey, watch it!” The man next to her grabbed his paper and picked it up ahead of the offending liquid.
“Sorry.” She grabbed some napkins and sopped up the mess. Blowing out a hard breath and tapping her fingers on the table, she checked her phone for the time before dialing her best friend.
Megan and Robert Fletcher reserved a table every Tuesday night at the restaurant Karen managed. Over time she became friends with Megan despite her penchant for religion. She always listened and gave good feedback.
And she’s the only person I trust.
Karen wouldn’t get the same attentive ear once Megan and Robert had their baby. The call went straight to voice mail, so she left a message. Megan must be at the women’s shelter she managed.
Karen picked up the letter and airline ticket and stuffed them in her purse. A walk might help her think better. Catching the waitress’ attention, she asked for a to-go bag.
Back on the street, her mind quickly turned to what her lack of employment meant for her life. Stay in New York and try to find another job without a reference. Give Barry’s scheme a chance. Or go home.
She cringed at all of those options. Like it or not, she had to consider them or maybe…her steps faltered as she did some quick mental calculations.
It would be risky and Barry wouldn’t like it, but she didn’t care. She quickened her step. She needed to stop by the bank.
Karen Marino choked back a cry as she stared at the words scribbled on the front of the envelope. She slid her fingernail under the flap and gaped at the plane ticket nestled inside a letter. Why now? She gritted her teeth. Heat flushed from her neck to the top of her head as she remembered the look of disgust on her father’s face.
The clash of pans in the restaurant kitchen startled her back to the present. “What the...?”
She glanced at her watch. Almost eleven. She slid the ticket and letter back inside the envelope and tucked it into her purse. She took a deep breath before stepping out of her office.
“Steve, how does the schedule look?” Karen hired him straight out of culinary school. His lack of experience paled next to his talent, and within a year his specialties had drawn in customers from all over New York City’s five boroughs, earning the restaurant a five-star reputation.
“Perfect, my love.” He crossed his arms and smiled. “Now, when are you going to marry me?”
She laughed. “Your mother would be disappointed. I have more red hair than Irish blood.” She enjoyed the attention her hair brought in The City, where she no longer stood out like an apple on an orange tree.
“My ma would love you anyway.” Steve placed his hand over his heart.
She shook her head and waved him back to work, then strode through the kitchen inspecting the line cooks as they prepped for the noon rush. “Be sure and clean up as you go....No, not that dish. Use the glass one. And keep a towel nearby.…How long have you worked here?…Don’t wipe your hands on your apron.”
She stopped. “Jimmy,” she yelled above the din of the kitchen. Her voice carried to the break room where the young man sauntered out with a donut in one hand and a coffee cup in the other.
She glared at him. “What’s with all these dirty pots and pans?”
The guy shrugged. “Had somewhere to be last night, so I saved them.”
“Get rid of that donut now and finish your job in the next half hour, or you’re fired, no matter who your cousin is.”
He threw the donut and coffee in the trash can and plodded off to his station.
“You okay?” Her assistant manager, Cathy, raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to snap.” Karen took a deep breath. “Is the dining room ready?”
“No problems there. But…” Cathy glanced over her shoulder. “Barry’s at the bar.”
“Not with the new owner coming in.” Karen clenched her fists. If she talked to her husband now she would lose her cool. “Did you tell him I was busy?”
“Yes. But, he’s got that look.”
Karen rolled her eyes. That meant another of Barry’s money-making ideas. Ideas didn’t pay the rent. “I better go talk to him.”
Barry grinned as she approached and she paused at the sight of his dark wavy hair and strong jaw line. If life were a photo, he would take her breath away. But once you added sound and action, that fantasy vanished.
She bit her lip. A part of her longed for what they used to have. How does a man change so much? He used to lead people. Now he controlled them, like the other night. Karen shuddered, then closed the gap between them. “We’re about to open. You need to go. We can talk tonight.”
“Like all those other times? Please.” He leaned against the bar.
“I said, we’ll talk.”
Barry slid off the bar stool. Although he stood only a few inches taller than her five foot seven frame and didn’t work out enough to have an impressive build, he carried himself with a bravado that demanded attention. “We’ll talk now. You’ll like this idea. It’s a chance to get in on the ground floor of a start-up company.”
Karen caught a whiff of liquor on his breath. “A little early to be drinking, don’t you think?”
“Don’t change the subject.” He banged his fist on the bar.
She jumped. His eyes grew dark. She backed away, her eyes frozen on his hands. “You need to leave. Now.”
“Why?” Barry’s voice grew louder.
“So I won’t lose my job.” The new owner was a powerful man. Barry could blow it for her.
“Miss Indispensable? Lose her job?” His empty laugh bounced around the deserted room.
“Please.” Karen reigned in her hostility.
“I will do as I please.” He took a step toward her.
“If you hope to get your hands on my money, try honey not vinegar.” She crossed her arms and stared at him.
“What are you talking about?”
“This approach will not get you what you want.”
He looked behind her and backed away. “Yeah, maybe we should talk tonight.”
Karen wrinkled her brow. What’s got into him now? She turned. The new owner walked toward her. He reminded her of Danny Devito. Short, stout, and balding. Add a bit of swagger to his walk and you would have her new boss. She groaned. Glancing Barry’s direction she saw him leave through the kitchen. I hope he didn’t just cost me my job.
She turned to face the man. She mustered a smile and extended her hand. “Karen Marino. You must be Mr. Simon.”
The man stared at her. “You’re fired.” He smiled like a kid who just lifted a trinket from the store and got away with it.
“You can’t do that.” Her throat closed up. Breathe.
“I own this place, I can and will clean house as I see fit.”
His reputation was well earned. She forced herself to unclench her hands. “I built this restaurant into what it is today.”
“There’s no place in any of my restaurants for what I just witnessed. Home stays at home.”
“You’d get rid of me for one incident?”
“It’s not just one incident.”
She bit her tongue and glared at the man. Who talked?
“Leave now. Come back and clear out your desk after lunch.”
“Fine, I don’t need you or your restaurant. I have my reputation.” She regretted the words as soon as she said them.
“When I’m done, you won’t have a reputation.”
She turned and fled to her office. A man that powerful didn’t make idle threats. She grabbed her purse, squared her shoulders, and marched through the kitchen. She would not be shamed out of here. She did nothing wrong.
Her assistant manager barked orders at the staff. The new owner smiled while he watched. So Cathy betrayed me. An old pain grabbed at Karen’s heart. Why do people turn on me?
Letting the door slam on her way out, she rushed into the flow of human traffic. The wall of buildings hid the breadth of the sky and pressed in around her. Exhaust fumes mingled with the aroma of pizza from a nearby kiosk. She jumped when a taxi blared its horn. Two people shoved each other to get in, arguing over appointments. She picked up her pace, needing to escape the surroundings that for the last fifteen years had made her feel so alive. An image of the family orchard in Missouri filled her heart.
Her past caught up to her present and the old emotions, released from their prison, pinballed around inside her. She ducked into a nearby alley and leaned against the wall. Pressing her hands against the wall, she took several calming breaths against the tears welling up in her chest. She needed to think, not cry.
She pressed her fingertips against her eyes. I don’t want to go back to the apartment yet, and I don’t have an office anymore. Where can I go? She fought the desire to throw things and stomp her feet. She would not lose control.
Something brushed against her elbow and she jerked away. A pungent odor assaulted her nose as a man in a tattered jacket stepped closer.
“Some money for food?” He reached out his hands.
She pushed the man away and tucked her purse close to her body as she stumbled out of the alley and hurried away. Her thoughts latched onto her husband and the impossibility of the situation. Lost in a daze she walked several blocks before her stomach growled, reminding her of the time. She paused and looked around. Carnegie Deli looked like a good choice. Crossing the street, she stood in line for her turn, anxious for the line to move, yet longing for a slower pace.
Pressure built up in her right eye and tension grew between her shoulders. She dug through her purse for some pain reliever and popped two in her mouth.
She looked up at the man behind the counter. “Uh, I’m not sure, what—”
“I’ll take a Woody Allen and a coffee.” A construction worker shouldered his way past Karen, slapping some bills on the counter.
Karen glared at him, then raised her voice above the next person trying to steal her place in line. “Give me a Woody Allen, too.”
Within minutes her order sat next to the construction worker’s sandwich. She grabbed her plate and cup of coffee, and turned to find a seat in the crowded dining room. From across the room, she saw two women get up from their table. She rushed to grab one of the empty chair.
She settled in to her seat and thought of the first time she came here. She was on a blind date, and he wanted to share his favorite place to eat. Crowded elbow to elbow with strangers at the shared table, it was not exactly romantic, but the food was delicious and plentiful. Her sandwich was piled so high with meat she ate for several days off of the leftovers.
Now, the deli gave her the anonymity she needed.
Cradling the coffee mug in her hands, she allowed the heat to calm her nerves. The day had not gone the way she planned. Lately, not much had. She rubbed her temples then scooted her plate forward to make room for her note pad. Avoiding the glares of her table mates, she pulled out a pen and began to list her options.
Find a job. In this economy? Right.
Barry find a job. She laughed.
Dip into her savings. She ripped the paper off the pad and wadded it up. Not again. That money was for the future.
Her head pounded as she fought back the tears. Barry’s scheme might be all they had. Maybe not.
She reached into her pocket and pulled out the letter. Karen remembered how special it felt to be a daughter of Charles and Annibel Hannigan. They were well respected in the community and at church, and then everything changed.
What’s so important that they want me to come home now? She laid the ticket aside and unfolded the letter.
Dear Karen,
Please come home. Your mother is dying and she needs to see you. She needs to know you understand. You need to hear what she has to say.
We are both sorry for the past and ask your forgiveness. I’ve enclosed a plane ticket. Change the date to what works best.
Love, Dad
Her hands trembled as she held the letter. Mom’s dying?
She laid the letter down and leaned her head onto her hands. She lost their favor with no explanation, and now they offered it to her again on a silver platter. It felt fake. What had she done to lose their favor in the first place? She wiped at tears she couldn’t stop. Did they think an apology could make up for everything?
“Hey lady, if you’re done, why don’t you move on. There’s folks waiting for a seat.”
Looking the bus boy directly in the eye, she reached for her sandwich and took a bite. He waved at her in dismissal and went back to work.
She glanced out the window as a mother bent down to look her child in the eye. She pointed at a large bulldozer across the street. The little boy smiled, looked back at her and nodded. They hugged. She grabbed his hand and continued walking.
She and her mother used to have a relationship like that. Carrying on like they were the only two people in the world. She looked away. Maybe going home wasn’t a viable option either.
She bit her lip. Am I supposed to just forgive them? How could they ask that of her? She hit the table with her fist and the coffee mug jumped, spilling onto the letter.
“Hey, watch it!” The man next to her grabbed his paper and picked it up ahead of the offending liquid.
“Sorry.” She grabbed some napkins and sopped up the mess. Blowing out a hard breath and tapping her fingers on the table, she checked her phone for the time before dialing her best friend.
Megan and Robert Fletcher reserved a table every Tuesday night at the restaurant Karen managed. Over time she became friends with Megan despite her penchant for religion. She always listened and gave good feedback.
And she’s the only person I trust.
Karen wouldn’t get the same attentive ear once Megan and Robert had their baby. The call went straight to voice mail, so she left a message. Megan must be at the women’s shelter she managed.
Karen picked up the letter and airline ticket and stuffed them in her purse. A walk might help her think better. Catching the waitress’ attention, she asked for a to-go bag.
Back on the street, her mind quickly turned to what her lack of employment meant for her life. Stay in New York and try to find another job without a reference. Give Barry’s scheme a chance. Or go home.
She cringed at all of those options. Like it or not, she had to consider them or maybe…her steps faltered as she did some quick mental calculations.
It would be risky and Barry wouldn’t like it, but she didn’t care. She quickened her step. She needed to stop by the bank.
When bookseller Delhi Laine gets the opportunity to appraise the late artist Nate Erikson’s library, she jumps at the chance, despite the mysterious circumstances surrounding the illustrator’s death. But as she spends more time with the eccentric Erikson clan at the family compound in the Hamptons, Delhi can’t help but wonder what really happened to the lost patriarch. When death visits the family once more and another Erikson is found murdered, dark family secrets come to light.
My thoughts...
Delhi Laine becomes involved in a murder investigation while appraising a book collection. Throw in family drama, strange happenings, another murder, and you've got the makings of a great mystery. Delhi's wit and a parade of characters make this an adventurous, enjoyable read. I give it 4.5 stars.
I received a copy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Book Spotlight ~ MURDER WALL by Mari Hannah
The Murder Wall: It's where you look death in the face.
Months after discovering a double homicide in a sleepy village, detective Kate Daniels is still haunted by her failure to solve the crime. When a new murder gives Daniels her first case as officer in charge, she jumps at another chance to get it right.
But even more shocking than the brutal killing is the fact that Daniels recognizes the corpse. Eager to prove herself, she decides to keep her connection to the dead man a secret from her team, putting her career in jeopardy as her personal and professional lives threaten to collide.
As the killer continues to claim his victims, Daniels unearths baffling clues in her search for connections among the murders . . . and while she draws closer to finding the culprit, he is watching her.
This book is a Witness Impulse title from Harper Collins Publishers, now available on kindle for $2.99.
Anna Olsen knows it's time to leave her sister's increasingly crowded house and start a life of her own. Following both sisters' examples, she becomes a mail-order bride, and after a short correspondence with clock maker and jeweler Edward Parker, she moves to Denver to become his wife.
Almost immediately it's painfully apparent that Anna and Edward are very different. Anna is a free spirit who would rather be painting and enjoying the company of friends than cleaning house. Edward is a consummate perfectionist who, on their wedding day, hands Anna a list of chores that need to be done around the house daily.
Can this mismatched couple see past their differences to a harmonious future? Or will their disparate passions create obstacles neither is willing to surmount?
“Available October 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”
My thoughts...
If you like stories about mail order brides, this is the book to read. It's entertaining and not like your typical fall in love and marry. This is the story of Anna and Edward, two people who are very different and fear their marriage will not survive because of these differences.
After admitting their fears to one another they resolve to make things work, the trials they face aren't easy but they're determined. If only people in today's world would take their vows seriously as these two did there would be a lot less divorce.
I received a copy of this book free from Revell in exchange for an honest review.
The story of Mary Elizabeth The Spotless Cow takes us on the journey she travels to figure out how to get the cows at a new farm to like and accept her.
While she hopes to find friendship at her new home, instead she learns what it means to be different from everyone else. (Spotless!) Mary Elizabeth uses clever ideas and a sense of humor to help her on her quest for friends at the new farm.
This inspiring tale shows how perseverance in spite of obstacles, using a sound thought process to arrive at solutions and the importance of having fun, using humor and enjoying playtime can build friendships.
When you buy this book, 50% of net proceeds go to Phoenix Children’s Hospital Child Life Program to make a difference in the lives of children with critical and life threatening illnesses.
My thoughts...
A charming story about a cow named Mary Elizabeth who had no friends. Why? Because she was different from all the other cows... she didn't have spots!
Then one day spots appeared and all the cows liked her. Mary Elizabeth wanted them to like her because of who she is and not because she looked like them.
A simple story with a clever message, cows are not all the same and neither are people. It's ok to like someone even if they're not like you.
I received a copy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
About the author:
Sal is the author and illustrator of “A Sweetles Dream”® book series. As the Creative Director for Hartman-Barbera llc, a family media & entertainment company, he is also an animator, sculptor, painter and all around fun guy. Sal lives the phrase: “A day without laughter is a wasted day”. To that end, he uses his writing, illustrating and animation skills to create endearing characters and comedic stories.
Sal’s sense of humor and empathy for his characters explore personal and social situations in ways that makes it enjoyable for both adults and children to experience together. Born in ew York City, Sal moved to North Bergen, NJ where grew up on a steep hillside neighborhood with his four older sisters. He currently lives in sunny Arizona with his wife and artistic partner, Sheri, who he defines as his inspiration. On any given day Sal might be painting, sculpting, drawing, animating, writing or enjoying one of his favorite pastimes: cooking, television, movies and golf.
Visit Sal Barbera’s website at
Saturday, October 19, 2013
DARKNESS FIRST by James Hayman
In the dark shadows of a summer evening a young woman is brutally slain by a remorseless killer’s razor sharp blade. Learning that her closest childhood friend was nearly killed in the same incident, Portland Detective Maggie Savage rushes to the scene to join the State Police investigation. Maggie soon discovers the killer’s name is Conor Riordan. There’s only one problem. Conor Riordan doesn’t exist.
The only person who can provide a clue as to who Riordan really is, is the victim’s eleven-year-old sister, Tabitha. And now Tabitha has turned up missing. Soon Maggie and her longtime partner, Detective Sergeant Michael McCabe, find themselves in a desperate race against time to find the missing child before she becomes a vicious killer’s next victim.
Taut, twisting, and starring two unforgettable heroes, DARKNESS FIRST is a gruesome thriller about a small town rocked by a savage crime.
My thoughts...
After receiving a call that her best friend has been hit by a car and is in critical condition, Maggie rushes to her bedside. Being in law enforcement she is drawn into the hunt for the man who not only did this but has murdered a woman. Maggie's life is put in danger as well as her friend, Emily.
Oh my gosh, this is one of the most suspenseful books I've read in a while, the characters are so real, the plot scary, and the writing style excellent. The author did a great job getting into the mind of the killer. Be prepared for a frightening venture. This is my first James Hayman novel, I've already started preparing an order for some of his others.
I received a copy of this book free from Harper Collins Publishers in exchange for an honest review.
This book is a Witness Impulse title from Harper Collins Publishers, now available on kindle for $2.99.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Go to the gates of Hell in "INNOCENT BLOOD"
A vicious attack at a ranch in California thrusts archaeologist Erin Granger back into the folds of the Sanguines, an immortal order founded on the blood of Christ and tasked with protecting the world from the beasts haunting its shadows. Following the prophetic words found in the Blood Gospel—a tome written by Christ and lost for centuries—Erin must again join forces with Army Sergeant Jordan Stone and Father Rhun Korza to discover and protect a boy believed to be an angel given flesh.
But an enigmatic enemy of immense power and terrifying ambition seeks the same child—not to save the world, but to hasten its destruction. For any hope of victory, Erin must discover the truth behind Christ’s early years and understand His first true miracle, an event wrapped in sin and destruction, an act that yet remains unfulfilled and holds the only hope for the world.
The search for the truth will take Erin and the others across centuries and around the world, from the dusty plains of the Holy Land to the icy waters of the Arctic Ocean, from the catacombs of Rome to an iron fortress in the Mediterranean Sea, and at last to the very gates of Hell itself, where their destiny—and the fate of mankind—awaits.
With The Blood Gospel, Rollins and Cantrell breathtakingly combined science, myth, and religion and introduced a world where miracles hold new meaning and the fight for good over evil is far more complicated than we ever dreamed. In INNOCENT BLOOD they again take us to the edge of destruction . . . and into the deepest reaches of imagination.
On sale 12/10/13.
On sale 10/22/13. The prequel to this new entry into the Order of the Sanguine series by James Rollins and Rebecca Cantrell, BLOOD BROTHERS, $.99. What a deal!
From bestsellers Rollins and Cantrell comes a dark story of murder, mystery, and a brotherhood steeped in a bloody past. As a young reporter, Arthur Crane exposed the secrets behind the Orchid Killer, a cult murderer from the late ‘60s whose crimes blackened the end of the Summer of Love. Half a century later, Arthur wakes to find an orchid resting on his pillow, a symbol of death from a killer connected to his estranged younger brother, Christian. To discover the horrifying truth, Arthur will risk all-even his very soul-for Christian may not be the brother that Arthur remembers…
Dallas-Fort Worth—Despite feelings of uneasiness quickly dismissed as bridal jitters, the young bride pledged her life and love to her betrothed in a fairy tale wedding held in the autumn of 1991. As she stepped from the church into the bright sunshine of her new life, she had no idea she was walking straight into an abusive nightmare that would soon take control of her life.
My thoughts...
The author has overcome a life of abuse and has written her story to help others. Too many times women ignore the little warning signs as she did. How sad to think of the many women going through this daily.
I wasn't impressed with the writing style and felt the story could have been told better, the effect wasn't as powerful as it could've been. People need to be made aware and need to know what to do to help someone in a relationship like this. Abuse is horrible and no one should have to endure it. I'm thankful the author escaped this terrible marriage.
I received a copy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
A Search for Purple Cows
by Susan Call
Guideposts Books / October 1, 2013
ISBN: 978-0-8249-3441-5
208 pages/Trade Paper/$14.99
Thursday, October 17, 2013
A Word From The Author:
I am a stay at home mother on a tiny little farm with a fixer-upper house. As much as I love writing and reading about homesteaders, I am so glad I’m a homesteader during an era with modern grocery stores to take up for my slack. I am an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher by trade, and I still work occasionally in that field along with being my church’s financial secretary and writing novels.
My husband and I have been married since 2001 and have a daughter and two little boys. My husband shares my fascination with traditional living except for being more hands on. He loves blacksmithing, knife smithing, traditional archery, hunting, etc. Generally whatever a mountain man does, he does it or has or wants to attempt it. He comes in handy for research! And of course, the rest of the family gets involved. I have my own blackpowder rifle, named Calvin, that my husband made for me. And I’m pretty sure my daughter is probably one of very few her age who can instruct adults how to shoot a longbow properly. The boy digs random holes in my yard to make “cement” with dirt and water making our yard a tripping hazard. The baby does what babies do.
A Tender Tale of Love on the Prairie Perfect for CBA Readers!
Although Everett Cline can hardly keep up with the demands of his homestead, he won't humiliate himself by looking for a helpmate ever again--not after being jilted by three mail-order brides. When a well-meaning neighbor goes behind his back to bring yet another mail-order bride to town, he has good reason to doubt it will work, especially after getting a glimpse at the woman in question. She's the prettiest woman he's ever seen, and it's just not possible she's there to marry a simple homesteader like him.
Julia Lockwood has never been anything more than a pretty pawn for her father or a business acquisition for her former fiance. Having finally worked up the courage to leave her life in Massachusetts, she's determined to find a place where people will value her for more than her looks. Having run out of all other options, Julia resorts to a mail-order marriage in far-away Kansas.
Everett is skeptical a cultured woman like Julia could be happy in a life on the plains, while Julia, deeply wounded by a past relationship, is skittish at the idea of marriage at all. When, despite their hesitations, they agree to a marriage in name only, neither one is prepared for the feelings that soon arise to complicate their arrangement. Can two people accustomed to keeping their distance let the barricades around their hearts down long enough to fall in love?
If you would like to read the first chapter of A Bride for Keeps, go HERE.
My thoughts...
Everett needs a wife and after failed attempts he practically gives up. But a neighbor persuades her friend in Boston to come to Kansas to marry Everett. Julia arrives and is taken aback at how much he looks like her former fiance. Everett thinks Julia is so beautiful... and fragile she wouldn't last the winter. Having no one to return home to Julia and Everett make a deal.
This is a sweet romance, written so well with two great main characters. They needed each other and it was enjoyable seeing their love for each other develop and grow. I really liked this story!
I received a copy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Double Kindle HDX Christmas Gift Pack from @TriciaGoyer!
Tricia Goyer is celebrating the release of her first Christmas novella, A Christmas Gift for Rose, with a Christmas Gift giveaway!
Enter to win a NEW Kindle Fire HDX for you AND one for a friend!
One grand prize winner will receive:

Enter to win a NEW Kindle Fire HDX for you AND one for a friend!
One grand prize winner will receive:
- A brand new Kindle Fire HDX and one to give away to a friend!
- A Christmas Gift for Rose, by Tricia Goyer for you and your friend!
- A Christmas Gift for Rose Christmas pack (includes a recipe card, bookmark, a signed book plate, discussion questions, and a Gathering & Giving handout!)

Don't miss a moment of the fun; enter today and be sure to visit Tricia's blog on the 21st to see if you won one of the great prizes! (Or better yet, subscribe to her blog and have the winner announcement delivered to your inbox!)<
BLOG THIS by Cami Checketts
Will protecting children throughout the world cost Natasha her own family?
Devastated by the loss of her brother, Natasha Senecot works to expose the dangers of Matthew Chrysler’s violent video games, succeeding in bankrupting and humiliating him.
Chrysler retaliates and sends a hit man after her. Natasha is forced to fake her own death to protect her children, but after witnessing another tragedy, Natasha won’t hide any longer.
In a race against time, can Natasha expose Matthew Chrysler before his assassin murders her family and shatters her world?
My thoughts...
A suspenseful book that grabs you at the beginning... two children playing in the snow with their mother and suddenly things go terribly wrong.
Natasha is a blogger mom and puts all she has into protecting children from Matthew Chrysler, a man who designs violent video games with a subliminal message to KILL. He must stop Natasha before she ruins his business and hires a hit man to take her out. Alex is one of the best but when he meets Natasha he is attracted to her which throws a wrench into his assignment.
This plot is fantastic, the author has included twists that kept me guessing. Parts of the story bothered me though, one being Natasha putting her own children in danger. This is definitely a book I enjoyed reading and look forward to more from this author.
I received a copy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Amanda Flower, an Agatha-nominated mystery author, started her writing career in elementary school when she read a story she wrote to her sixth grade class and had the class in stitches with her description of being stuck on the top of a Ferris wheel. She knew at that moment she’d found her calling of making people laugh with her words. Her debut mystery, Maid of Murder, was an Agatha Award Nominee for Best First Novel. Amanda is an academic librarian for a small college near Cleveland.
USA Today recently hailed award-nominated author Amanda Flower for A Plain Death, calling it “the first Amish rom-com . . . bring on the next one!” As the enthusiastic reviews continue to mount, she’s back with her third Appleseed Creek mystery, A Plain Disappearance.
It’s Christmastime in Amish Country, and Chloe Humphrey has begun settling into her life in Appleseed Creek excited to see where her new relationship with Timothy Troyer will lead. Unfortunately it leads to murder when the couple discovers the body of Amish teenager Katie Lambright while on their first date.
Near the scene there is evidence that Timothy’s friend and auto mechanic Billy Thorpe is involved with the crime. The police reveal Billy is not really who he said he was and has been living the last decade in Knox County under a stolen alias. Now, Chloe and Timothy must find Billy, bring him to justice, or prove his innocence.
If you would like to read the first chapter of >A Plain Disappearance, go HERE.
My thoughts...
This is such a good book, not your typical Amish tale. The plot is wonderful and so well written, with just enough drama and a touch of humor. The characters are interesting and fun, especially Chloe. When her father remarried, his wife didn't want Chloe to live with them so she was sent to the family of her best friend and grew up in the English world. Now she is moving back to the area to work at a college.
Timothy had left the order and grew up as an Englischer as well. He and Chloe find a dead body on their first date along with evidence that one of his friends may have been involved. They learn this friend isn't who he says he is.
Becky is another character that I really liked. She just left the order and is experiencing an Englischer's Christmas, what fun for her! This is book 3 in the series set in charming Appleseed Creek. A great read!
*I received a copy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Honore Bainbridge has been courted by two men, one of whom turned out to be a traitor, the other a murderer. Banished to her family's country estate, where she will hopefully stay out of trouble, she finally meets the man she is sure is exactly right for her: Lord Ashmoor. Tall, dark, and handsome--what more could a girl ask for?
But he too is under suspicion because of his American upbringing and accusations that he has helped French prisoners escape from Dartmoor Prison. If he's to keep out of a British prison himself and secure his place in British society, Lord Ashmoor needs a wife beyond reproach--something the vexingly beautiful Honore certainly is not. Though they find themselves drawn to each other, family obligations may conspire to keep them apart forever.
For the sake of her heart, Honore determines to prove Ashmoor's innocence--even if doing so risks her own life.
From the first sentence, award-winning author Laurie Alice Eakes thrusts you into high drama amid the rocky cliffs of Devonshire, England, and keeps you suspended there until the final page.
My thoughts...
Honore Bainbridge is far from the high society lady she was groomed to be. She has been courted by a traitor and a murderer. Her family banishes her to their country estate hoping things will die down and she'll stay out of trouble. There she falls for tall handsome Lord Ashmoor, the perfect man for her! There's only one problem... he has been accused of helping prisoners escape from Dartmoor Prison. He needs a wife, one of high stature that would his increase his chances of being kept out of prison.
This is such a delightful book, I enjoyed every page! Honore is so darn likeable, she has a good heart but that doesn't help her reputation. Lord Ashmoor is charming and fun. I loved seeing how these two find a way to love each other.
I received a copy of this book free from Revell in exchange for an honest review.
Available October 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Welcome to the October New Release Giveaway Hop!
Each participating blog has their own entry rules and geographic limits, so be sure to read the rules for each one. This giveaway is open to anyone and starts October 15 and runs through October 31 at midnight.
Enter to win an Amazon eGift Card to purchase the new release of your choice!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Does this sound familiar?
1. You spot a cute boy (we'll call him Boy A).
2. You dream about Boy A.
3. You do whatever it takes to make Boy A notice you.
4. Even though Boy A doesn't pursue you, you hang on to your dream of Boy A until he (a) moves to the North Pole with no access to a cell phone or computer, (b) dies and is buried or cremated, or (c) begins dating another girl.
5. You mend your broken heart by hating Boy A and finding another cute boy (Boy B). You replace Boy A with Boy B and begin all over again...
Paula has gone through an entire alphabet-and more-of boys over the years.
As she shares her journal entries and stories-the good, the bad, and the ugly-you'll be encouraged to trust God with your love life and buckle up for the ride!
My thoughts...
Paula Hendricks pours out her heart in this book about searching for love. Girls need to be admired and loved. If only they would allow God to show them His love and to trust Him to bring the perfect man into their lives so much heartache could be avoided.
This is a wonderful book for parents and grandparents to understand how girls look for love, and for girls to understand a parent's love as well as the influences it has on their lives. What a beautiful story Paula has penned!
I received a copy of this book free from Moody Publishers in exchange for an honest review.
Just a few days after she gave birth alone in the northwoods, a recently widowed young Chippewa woman stumbled into a nearby lumber camp in search of refuge from the winter snows. Come summer, it is clear that Moon Song cannot stay among the rough-and-tumble world of white lumbermen, and so the camp owner sends Skypilot, his most trusted friend, to accompany her on the long and treacherous journey back to her people.
But when tragedy strikes off the shore of Lake Superior, Moon Song and Skypilot must depend on each other for survival. With every step they take into the forbidding woods, they are drawn closer together, until it seems the unanswerable questions must be asked. Can she leave her culture to enter his? Can he leave his world to enter hers? Or will they simply walk away from a love that seems too complicated to last?
Get swept into a wild realm where beauty masks danger and only the truly courageous survive in a story that will grip your heart and your imagination.
My thoughts...
Seeking refuge from the harsh winter weather Moon Song and her newborn baby stumble into a lumber camp where has been taken under the wings of the campers. Now it's time to return to her people. Accompanied by Skypilot, one of the men in the camp, they begin their journey. Shortly after boarding the train a tragedy occurs and they find themselves in the wilderness struggling to survive.
Along the way Skypilot reveals his love for Moon Song, although she is in love with him she refuses to let him know. Having been betrayed by a white man previously she won't take a chance with Skypilot.
Their journey is one that will touch your heart with tender moments, Moon Song's marriage to a white man, the maltreatment her people endure, Skypilot's broken heart, and the fact that they are of different faiths. This is a really good story, well written, entertaining.
I received a copy of this book free from Revell in exchange for an honest review.
"Available October 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group."
Friday, October 11, 2013
Spend a heartfelt Christmas on Schooley’s Mountain as four generations make a house a home. Carpenter Stephan Yost vows to build a precocious spinster a home by Christmas. Civil War widow Mary Ann Plum learns the greatest peace on earth comes from giving and receiving love.
Olympia Paris must protect the orphanage she grew up in from a man intending to play Father Christmas to most of the town. Joy Benucci turns to a modern-day Scrooge to save a transitional home for foster kids. Will Christmas be a season of miracles in their lives?
My thoughts...
Who wouldn't like a Christmas story? They leave you feeling warm and fuzzy. These are no exception and will touch your heart in a different way. They are not only a romance but a story about a child.
The year is 1820, Annaleise meets Stephan when he comes to her rescue after her horses are spooked. The two get stuck in town during a big snowstorm and a romance begins. Such a sweet story! Rory is a young boy that has come to town searching for the Annaleise's father, the town doctor. His uncle is sick.
Deputy Sheriff Zeke Norcross is delivering 5 orphans to some of Schooley's Mountain families. Polly has living relatives so Zeke has to locate them to see if they will take this child. Meanwhile she is placed with widow Marianne Plum. He has feelings for her and hopes she will allow him into her life. A delightful tale!
Olympia Paris runs an orphanage that is in dire need of finances to pay back taxes and help with the operating expenses. She learns someone wants to turn the orphanage into a hotel to bring visitors to the mineral springs area. Olympia is shocked to learn her old friend Teddy is that someone and not only does he want the building he wants her as well. Very good storyline!
Joy runs a transition house for foster children who have aged out of the system and need help and guidance in moving into the real world. The owner of her house dies and the new owner wants her evicted. Attorney Evan Lancaster soon discovers Joy is someone he would rather get to know on a personal level than try to get her out of the house! A fun tale of falling in love with the enemy.
Jennifer AlLee, Carla Olson Gade, Lisa Karon Richardson, and Gina Welborn are the authors of these four entertaining novellas that will get you in the Christmas mood!
I received a copy of this book free from Barbour Publishing in exchange for an honest review.
Enter The Treasures of Norway Sweepstakes!
In An Untamed Heart, the latest novel by bestselling author Lauraine Snelling, twenty-year-old Ingeborg Strand is certain she is destined to be an old maid.
When tragedy strikes, and the future looks bleaker than ever, Ingeborg considers leaving Norway to start afresh in America. But how will she accomplish that with little money and no one to accompany her?
Then she meets Roald Bjorklund, a widower who plans to go to America with his young son. He’s a good man, a hard-working man–and his son desperately needs a mother. But is he the answer to her prayers? Could love grow between two people whose hearts are filled with grief? And can Ingeborg leave her treasured Norway for such an uncertain future?
To celebrate the novel, author Lauraine Snelling and Bethany House Publishers are pleased to present the TREASURES OF NORWAY Sweepstakes, and your chance to win one of three spectacular prizes, all closely connected to the story.
This giveaway starts October 5, 2013 and ends October 24, 2013 @ 11:59 pm (PST). Entry is open to US residents only, age 18 and over. Winners will be selected Friday, October 25, 2013, and announced at
In An Untamed Heart, young Ingeborg Strand is tasked with cleaning her Onkel Frode's house, an ominous task indeed! But Ingeborg never backs down from tough tasks, and the result is a house so clean, any woman in Norway would be proud to call it home.
We might not have the luxury of a housecleaning visit from Ingeborg, but our Grand Prize winner will win the next best thing: a $200 housecleaning gift card to, plus a handmade Tokheim Fjordhorse Mug and a bag of Ingebretsen's Viking Coffee so you can brew a cuppa, sit back, and relax while your house is transformed.
Ingeborg and her cousin Gunlaug are some of the best cooks in the in the mountain village of Valdres, Norway. Cookies, cheeses, flatbreads, jams...their cooking and baking is a culinary-lover's dream!
Our Second Prize winner will have Gunlaug's and Ingeborg's favorite Norwegian foods delivered right to their door with this $120 Norwegian gourmet prize pack.
This package includes fresh Norwegian lefse, cheeses, flatbread, Nordic butter, jelly, Romme Grot cream porridge, Gjende shortbread, Uff Da chips, Fattigman cookies, and Norwegian chocolate.
Ingeborg and the Strand family prepare for Christmas with music and handmade decorations, while secretly weaving and carving special gifts to give each other in celebration of Gott Jul.
Our Third Prize winner will have the chance to bring Gott Jul to their home this holiday season, with this $100 Christmas In Norway prize pack.
This prize includes a Norwegian Christmas CD, a set of 2 Norwegian wood spool candle holders, and a woven, 14" wide x 43" long, Åttebladrose Christmas table runner, perfect for dressing your dining table in the warm colors of Norway.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Humor, Hope, and Happily Ever Afters! Kaye Dacus is the author of humorous, hope-filled contemporary and historical romances with Barbour Publishing, Harvest House Publishers, and B&H Publishing. She holds a Master of Arts in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University.
Kaye Dacus (KAY DAY-cuss) is an author and educator who has been writing fiction for more than twenty years. A former Vice President of American Christian Fiction Writers, Kaye enjoys being an active ACFW member and the fellowship and community of hundreds of other writers from across the country and around the world that she finds there. She currently serves as President of Middle Tennessee Christian Writers, which she co-founded in 2003 with three other writers. Each month, she teaches a two-hour workshop on an aspect of the craft of writing at the MTCW monthly meeting. Kaye lives in Nashville, Tennessee, where she is an academic advisor and English Composition instructor for Bethel University.
Set during the Industrial Revolution and the Great Exhibition of 1851, An Honest Heart is a “sitting-room romance” with the feel of a Regency-era novel but the fashions and technological advances of the mid-Victorian age.
Featuring dual romance stories, the main plot involves seamstress Caddy Bainbridge and the choice she must make between two men: one from the aristocracy, the other from the working class. Award-nominated author Kaye Dacus pinpoints the theme of honesty—both men in this love triangle have deep secrets to hide, and Caddy’s choice will be based on which of them can be honest with her.
Courtship . . . cunning . . . candor. Who possesses an honest heart?
If you would like to read the first chapter of Honest Heart, go HERE
My thoughts...
Caddy is a seamstress with a successful shop at the edge of town, making dresses for the elite as well as the lower class. She teaches sewing to the less fortunate and also cares for her elderly mother. She meets handsome Oliver while visiting one of her clients, he is immediately attracted to her and determines to get to know her.
Neal is the local doctor and meets Caddy when he brings her mother to the shop after a fainting spell. He finds Caddy very attractive and though he had told himself he wouldn't get involved with anyone here he is drawn to her. Caddy's mother sees Neal as a perfect husband for her daughter and plots to help them see their need for each other.
A wonderfully written novel with amazing characters and very interesting twists. There's another story in the book that's just as fun. Edith Buchanan is an upstanding woman looking for a husband of wealth and importance. Edith must get the man her sister is interested in to fall in love with herself because she and Oliver had agreed if neither are married by the end of the Great Exhibition they will marry each other and Edith (nor Oliver) want that. An entertaining story that left me wanting to read more of this author's books.
I received a copy of this book free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
DARK JUSTICE by Brandilyn Collins
Brandilyn Collins is a best-selling novelist known for her trademark Seatbelt Suspense®. These harrowing crime thrillers have earned her the tagline "Don't forget to b r e a t h e . . ."® Brandilyn's first book, A Question of Innocence, was a true crime published by Avon in 1995. Its promotion landed her on local and national TV and radio, including the Phil Donahue and Leeza talk shows. Brandilyn's awards for her novels include the ACFW Carol Award (three times), Inspirational Readers' Choice, and Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice.
Brandilyn is also known for her distinctive book on fiction-writing techniques, Getting Into Character: Seven Secrets a Novelist Can Learn From Actors (John Wiley & Sons). The Writer magazine named Getting into Character one of the best books on writing published in 2002.
When she's not writing, Brandilyn can be found teaching the craft of fiction at writers' conferences.
If I’d had any idea what those words would mean to me, to my mother and daughter, I’d have fled California without looking back.
While driving a rural road, Hannah Shire and her aging mother, who suffers from dementia, stop to help a man at the scene of a car accident. The man whispers mysterious words in Hannah’s ear. Soon people want to kill Hannah and her mother for what they “know.” Even law enforcement may be involved.
The two women must flee for their lives. But how does Hannah hide her confused mother? Carol just wants to listen to her pop music, wear her favorite purple hat, and go home. And if they turn to Hannah’s twentyseven- year-old daughter, Emily, for help, will she fall into danger as well?
Pressed on all sides, Hannah must keep all three generations of women in her family alive. Only then does she learn the threat is not just to her loved ones, but the entire country . . .
If you'd like to read the first chapter of Dark Justice, HERE.
My thoughts...
What a chilling tale of terrorism and how easily cyber attacks can take place and the damage that can be done. This book is so realistic, the characters are the best. Hannah and her mother are on their way home after a few days of relaxing in Raleigh when they come upon an accident. While trying to help the elderly gentleman he keeps telling them things they don't understand except for "don't tell anyone". Hannah's mother is in a confused state, suffering from dementia yet ends up being a help.
Arriving home Hannah discovers a flash drive in her pocket that doesn't belong to her. While looking at the images on the computer two FBI Agents show up at her door asking questions. Uneasy, she asks them to leave, Later she will learn that they are not FBI and that her life as well as her mother's is in danger.
This is one of Collins' best books, she is a very talented suspense writer. Her writing style puts you right in the middle of all the action!
I received a copy of this book free from B&H Publishers in exchange for an honest review.
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